Before going for the movie, I had read a few reviews about it wherein the critics had said “there are no words to describe AVATAR”. Now having seen the movie, I find myself in the place of those critics, at a lose of words to describe the most memorable cinematographic experience of our lifetimes.
Avatar has changed the meaning of Pandora for ever, at least for me. It takes your imagination to a completely new level and it wipes out the memories of any science-fiction you have ever seen or imagined. It seems James Cameroon is showing you a world that every child in us would want to be in; a world where there is purity and love for every form of life, where there are glowing grasses and flowers and birds brighter than the colours of rainbow and to beat it all mountains which float in the air!!! The feeling is so beautiful that it makes you cry for the love of it and makes you want to stretch your hand and heart out to touch it, feel it and embrace it! It is a dream that you might have dreamt to be a part of, and induces in you a slight envy for the one who are living it.
Avatar is the first movie wherein humans invade another planet, while since childhood we have been fed on movies of aliens attacking planet earth and to be more precise attacking America. The movie highlights the selfishness which has grown among our race and the extent to which we can go to make money and fame. Moreover the humans are striving to extract a material from Pandora which they themselves call Unobtamium!! Thankfully there are some good people among us who given an opportunity would want to permanently reside in Pandora and give up planet Earth sans the artificial luxuries which they would get on Earth.
I hope no Indian director attempts a remake of Avatar as I do not wish to see a modern day or futuristic Ramayana. Its not that I doubt their movie making capabilities, but am quite convinced about their failure at science fictions. To wrap it up, must say this is one movie which would linger on your minds for a long time and would obviously be your benchmark for any science fiction 3D movie in future. I really hate calling Avatar a science fiction as it seems more real than our real world. What is also interesting is that Cameroon is not looking to make big money from the movie. As he says he would be more than happy even if the movie breaks even as his dream of 15 years has been fulfilled through AVATAR.
I bet you did see it in an iMax theater... if not, probably you are missing everything about AVATAR...:-)
watching AVATAR without 3D is like enjoying only half of Cameroon's efforts!!
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